Fort Bend ISD strives to equip its students for futures beyond what they can imagine, with over 82 campuses serving more than 79,600 students ranging from PreK-12 grades.
Skyward FBISD operates academies that foster small learning communities with an occupational focus, providing busing to these schools of choice for students who enroll.
Whole Child Health Initiative
School communities must put into place support systems dedicated to ensuring all children are healthy, safe and ready to learn. Such systems should address both students’ health needs as well as social-emotional well-being in a comprehensive fashion; prioritizing student safety; creating positive learning environments focused on student well-being; and connecting to local resources.
The new WSCC model builds upon the foundation established by CSH and Whole Child tenants and addresses the need for closer alignment, integration, and collaboration between education leaders and public health agencies to foster student development across cognitive, physical, social, emotional and behavioral domains. Schools offer an ideal setting to provide a variety of health-related services.
FBISD and Sugar Land Counseling Center (SLCC) work in collaboration to assist students who are experiencing mental, behavioral or social/emotional difficulties that interfere with their ability to learn. SLCC’s experienced counselors work directly with students at school or offices as well as at home if necessary – for more information please reach out directly or visit their website!
Career and Technical Education
CTE (Career Technical Education) provides students with an alternative pathway for education that offers them hands-on experiences outside the classroom that complement academic coursework in school. CTE can be utilized by learners from middle school all the way through high school and postsecondary.
Today’s CTE classes closely reflect industry trends and need to offer rigorous career pathways that cater to students of any educational background and career aspiration. CTE can even serve as an alternative or precursor to college degree programs upon graduation – or lead directly into job training or an associate degree program afterward.
James Reese Career and Technical Center offers students from eleven high schools advanced CTE programming in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Arts & Audio/Video Technologies & Communications, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Business & Marketing, Construction, Culinary Arts Education and Training Information Technology Health Science Law Public Safety Transportation Logistics. Students learn these skills via an articulated sequence of courses with end of program industry-recognized certificates as part of the curriculum.
Student Recruitment
Student recruitment is one of the most vital activities in higher education, having an impactful effect on not only university reputation and ranking, but also financial sustainability and long-term strategic objectives.
Staff from all departments involved must collaborate closely in the creation and implementation of a comprehensive student recruitment strategy, taking into account all aspects of this process. Forming teams for various aspects of this plan helps engage employees and get them invested in its success.
By crafting and disseminating key messages per program area, Student Recruitment team members can ensure the entire recruitment process is covered. These messages can be delivered in person during visits, campus tours and answering phone calls by Student Recruitment members; additionally highlighting success stories about current students or graduates of each program can help encourage engagement – these stories may be featured in news stories, social media updates and videos shared daily by Public Affairs and Communications (PAC), with the ultimate aim being keeping their message consistent across channels.
Extended Day
An extended day program (EDP) is a child care facility located on school campuses that offers before and after-school child care for children who cannot be collected by their parents at the end of each school day. Along with providing a safe, secure environment, students in grades K-5 also participate in educationally enriching activities.
In both 1987-88 and 1990-91, more public schools located within central city locations or urban fringe locations reported having available extended day programs than rural schools (table 1). Furthermore, higher percentages of public schools with high minority enrollment had such programs as well.
As part of its Trojan Extended Day program, FBISD offers before and after school care at all elementary schools through EZChildTrack for our elementary schools. Parents can register and pay monthly fees through this platform while scheduling changes for Extended Day can be made month-by-month as long as space allows. Any requests incur a $25 change fee per request.